Far from the hustle and bustle of city life, the story of Sardaar Gabbar Singh is set against a rural backdrop in a fictitious place calledRattanpur. Once subsidiary of princely state, Rattanpur is...Continue reading
"'Ustaad Bhagat Singh' is here with all guns firing (sic)," wrote Mythri Movie Makers, unveiling a special glimpse video on Tuesday. At the start, we see a few priests being assaulted by goons. In ...Continue reading
Jana Sena Party's ties with the film industry have only deepened. The bond of the party with the Telugu film industry has just got special, with almost all (barring one) star campaigner of the part...Continue reading
It is known that Pawan Kalyan's episode of 'Unstoppable with NBK' is going to be streamed on Aha Video later this month. A while ago, its teaser was released. The OTT platform described the episod...Continue reading
‘Attarintiki Daaredhi’ starring power star Pawan Kalyan, Samantha and Praneetha in the lead is set for release worldwide on October 9th as Dussera gift. Trivikram Srinivas directed this film and B...Continue reading
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