'Kanche' is a period drama with a beautiful love story featuring the handsome young lad from the Mega Family, Varun Tej, as the hero and directed by the critically and commercially acclaimed direct...Continue reading
Mega Prince Varun Tej, who carved a special image for himself by choosing different genre films, is now coming up with a space thriller. After scoring huge success with romantic entertainers 'Fidaa...Continue reading
BVSN Prasad will be producing Varu Tej and Rashi Khanna’s next film. The film was launched recently with music composer M M Keeravani sounding the clapboard for the first shot. Venky Atluri w...Continue reading
"Giving you my word. It's worth the wait," tweeted Varun Tej, announcing the release date of 'Ghani'. The movie will be released in theatres on March 18 next year. The film had skipped the Decembe...Continue reading
We all know that Sekhar Kammula’s latest flick ‘Fidaa’ starring Varun Tej and Sai Pallavi that released worldwide on July 21, is running successfully at box office with sensationa...Continue reading
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