Legendary comedian Brahmanandam, who was recently in the news for campaigning for a BJP candidate in Karnataka, today unveiled a song titled 'Syeyara Syeyara' from 'Madhave Madhusudana'. Speaking o...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan’s ‘Joru’ is all set for release on November 7th. Kumar Nagendra, who made a passionate movie ‘Gundello Godari’, is directing the film on ‘Sri Keerthi Films’ banner with Arjun as pres...Continue reading
Jayaram, who is the brother-in- law of late Srihari, is being introduced as a hero in the movie ‘Aggi Ravva’. The bilingual film (Tamil and Telugu) is being directed by Komagan AL Raja under the ba...Continue reading
S Originals, which has been producing content-driven movies for the past few years, has resolved to up the game in the year 2022. It's learned that the production house has lined up as many as nine...Continue reading
Achari America Yatra, the laughter riot from the super hit combination of Vishnu Manchu and G Nageshwar Reddy finished a massive first schedule in Hyderabad. The production team is all set to fly o...Continue reading
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