Natural Star Nani and director Indraganti Mohana Krishna are good friends. ‘Ashta Chamma’ and ‘Gentleman’ are two hits in their combination. Currently, Indraganti and produc...Continue reading
The word ‘New’ is the continuous thirst that cannot be quenched. ‘Love’ is also the same genre. Humanity is associated with Love since ages. ‘Sammohanam’ is a bl...Continue reading
Mohankrishna Indraganti has opined that it is not the filmmaker's responsibility to make the audience forget their difficulties. "If you want to be entertained and have fun, go to a pub. Why do you...Continue reading
Hero Aryan Rajesh turned producer and all set to produce a film ‘Bandipotu’ in the combination of Allari Naresh and Indraganti Mohan Krishna on EVV Cinema banner (established by his father Late EVV...Continue reading
National and Nandi awards winner Indraganti Mohankrishna, who also received critical acclaims for his style of filmmaking for the movies ‘Ashta Chamma’ and ‘Golkonda High School&r...Continue reading
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