‘Sudigadu’ movie trailer is making buzz around the internet. This Allari Naresh starrer film is intended to be the spoof of heroes in Telugu movies. The laugh riot directed by Bheemineni Srinivas...Continue reading
“We were in a dilemma on whom to rope in for the role of Allari Naresh’s sister in ‘Brother of Bommali’ who has naughty and tomboy shades. Then, Allari Naresh has suggested us that Karthika wil...Continue reading
'Aa Okkati Adakku', starring Allari Naresh (he decided to put two other projects on the backburner to prioritize this comedy) in the lead, is scheduled to hit the cinemas on May 3. Starring Faria A...Continue reading
Comedy King Allari Naresh teams up his successful producer Anil Sunkara for the fourth time after hilarious hits like ‘Aha Naa Pellanta’, ‘Action 3D’ and ‘James Bond&r...Continue reading
“I’m very excited that the contest conducted by our Siri Cinema productions to select the title for my upcoming film. We got tremendous response from thousands of movie lovers and I’m very happ...Continue reading
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