Theeram is an upcoming movie casting young newcomers as the main leads. Sravan, Anil Inamadugu, Kristan Ravali, Aparna Appu, and others in the lead roles, the movie Theeram is directed by Anil Inam...Continue reading
When it was least expected, the release date of the Hindi remake of 'Chatrapathi' was made official today. Launched more than two years ago, the action was in the making for a long time. Finally, i...Continue reading
'Shikaaru' is an upcoming comedy entertainer starring Sai Dhansika of 'Kabali' fame in the central role. She is a housewife who enters into an extra-marital relationship with a male friend. She alm...Continue reading
Finally, the long wait is over for mega fans and audience. We all know that Megastar Chiranjeevi’s 150th film was formally launched recently. But, audience and mega fans are eagerly waiting for the...Continue reading
We all know that Akkineni Akhil’s most awaited debut film to be directed by VV Vinayak was launched privately on December 17, 2014. Now, the makers of this untitled film are making preparations for...Continue reading
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