Aishwaryabhimasthu starring Arya, Vishal, Santhanam, Tamannaah and Bhanu in the lead roles, has completed all formalities including censor and is set for release on October 26. It has received clea...Continue reading
ass hero Vishal and Sri Divya starrer mass entertainer 'Rayudu' which was already released in Tamil on May 20 has got good openings with super hit talk and it is all set to hit Telugu screens on Ma...Continue reading
The expectations and inquisitive appeal over Sandakozhi 2 has been incredibly on its high graph from the time of announcements made. The package of commercial elements offered through the teaser ha...Continue reading
Mass Hero Vishal has played the lead role in action entertainer ‘Jayasurya’. It was released around the world on September 4, and became super hit. Suseenthiran is the director. G Nageswara Reddy a...Continue reading
The other day, a video clip in which Vishal was seen with a young woman on a New York street went viral. The duo was walking on a road. Suddenly, the 'Mark Antony' actor noticed that someone was fi...Continue reading
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