Aadesh Films is coming up with critically acclaimed female oriented movie titled ‘Pavithra’ featuring Shriya Saran in title role and Sai Kumar, Roja, Tanikella Bharani, Kaushik Babu, AVS in other...Continue reading
Ace comedian AVS is in critical condition due to multiple organ failure. His entire family is deeply saddened to learn the news regarding the condition of the 56 year old. The actor has been s...Continue reading
Comedian AVS is no more. Some time ago, we have reported that the actor was in critical condition due to kidneys as well as liver failure. The doctors, who treated him in Global Hospital for t...Continue reading
‘Premalo…ABC’ is a new generation love story that has a tagline ‘Always Be Careful’. The film is about a young woman playing love game with three guys. With Kranti, Sri Aira and ‘Prasthanam’ fa...Continue reading
The 2010 Nandi Awards winners have been announced on Friday by the Andhra Pradesh State Government. The winners have expressed their feelings in the following manner: Saikumar: I’m very happy t...Continue reading
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