'Veyi Daruveyi' is the title of a new Sairam Shankar movie. Launched on Friday in the presence of Sharwanand, Allari Naresh and Vishwak Sen, the film has Yasha Shivakumar as the heroine. Directed b...Continue reading
The socio-fantasy film ‘Yamaho Yama’ starring Srihari, Sairam Shankar, Parvathy Melton and Sanjjanaa in the lead has successfully completed 90% of the shooting. The major part of the film was shot...Continue reading
Filmmaker Teja is all set to take his new film on the sets. Yes, the director has teamed up with Airam Shankar for his new project to be produced by Sri Productions banner. Sunita Prabhakar and S...Continue reading
G Vijay Kumar Gaud, who earlier produced Mumaith Khan’s ‘Punnami Naagu’ is now planning a socio fantasy flick with Srihari, Sairam Shankar and Parvathy Melton in the lead. While Srihari will portr...Continue reading
Introducing Adonica as heroine and featuring Sairam Shankar as hero Malluri Palli Ramesh is producing a film titled ‘Romeo’ under Maharshi Cinema banner. There is an interesting tagline for this f...Continue reading
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