Title for Shivaji’s new film has been finalized as ‘Chusinodiki Chusinantha’. This is an out and out comedy entertainer being directed by the debut director Anil Vatipalli. Nithya and Lezli wi...Continue reading
'Bootcut Balraju' is the title of Bigg Boss Telugu season 4 fame Sohel Ryan's next film. Bekkem Venugopal of Lucky Media is bankrolling the film, with Ananya Nagalla of 'Vakeel Saab' fame as the he...Continue reading
Shivaji and Archana starrer ‘Kamalatho Naa Prayanam’ which was directed by Narasimha Nandi of ‘1940 Lo Oka Gramam’ fame has successfully completed the shooting part. Isanaka Sunil Reddy and Siddha...Continue reading
The shooting of Shivaji starrer ‘Gurudu’ has been completed except for two songs. The film is presently in post production works. Shivaji is portraying three roles in this film which is being dir...Continue reading
Chandan Movies is making a new film with Shivaji and Reetu Kaur (fresh face) introducing Kiran as director. C D Nagendra is the producer. This untitled flick is an action entertainer in which Shi...Continue reading
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