Bollywood producer Saavi Goyal is producing a film titled ‘Desadimmari’ under Naveena Creations banner. Directed by Nagesh Naradasi, the shooting of the film will commence from the firs...Continue reading
Akram Suresh as hero, a film titled ‘Rana Akram’ is being produced under Rajadhani Amaravathi Movies baner. The film which started rolling from January, has completed 60% of the talkie ...Continue reading
'House Husband' is the title of an upcoming suspense thriller starring Srikar and Apoorva as the lead pair. Directed by Harikrishna Jinukala, the film's teaser was released today. Speaking on the ...Continue reading
‘Veerangam’ starring Akshay, Sandeepthi, Suman and Shyamala Devi which is directed by Vemuganti and produced by C L Srinivas Yadav have successfully completed the post production works as well as t...Continue reading
Jai Bhavani Productions, Sivabhavani Films and Srivaasavi Kanyaka Parameshwari Prachara Parishad have jointly launched a devotional movie titled ‘Sri Vaasavi Kanyaka Parameshwari Charitra’. Ex-chi...Continue reading
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