Vedaansh Creative Works, known for Dear Megha and Bhaag Saale, today announced the title of their next. A comedy directed by Ashok Reddy Kadadori and produced by Arjun Dasyan, the film is titled 'K...Continue reading
'Kudi Yedamaithe', the fantasy thriller, was released on Aha on July 16. Starring Rahul Vijay as an aspiring actor and Amala Paul as a cop, it was directed by Pawan Kumar. The critically-acclaimed ...Continue reading
'Maate Mantramu' is the title of Rahul Vijay's romantic entertainer with actress Megha Akash. As the male lead turned a year older today, the title was made official by Kota Film Factory and Trippy...Continue reading
Brahmanandam is going to play a lead role in an upcoming movie to be directed by newcomer Harsha Pulipaka. To be produced by Ticket Factory and S Originals, the film has Rahul Vijay and 'Mathu Vada...Continue reading
Rahul Vijay of 'Sooryakantham' and 'Kudi Yedamaithe' (web series) fame is playing a fun role in his next feature film release, 'Vidya Vasula Aham'. Starring Shivani Rajasekhar of 'Adbhutham' fame a...Continue reading
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