Shakalaka Shankar's out-and-out romantic horror-comedy 'Bomma Adirindi-Dimma Thirigindi', directed by debutant Kumar Kota, will release in theatres soon. Ahead of its release, the makers have spoke...Continue reading
'Corporator' is an upcoming movie starring star comedian Shakalaka Shankar. Directed by Sanjay Poonoori, the film is being produced by A Padmanabha Reddy and Dr. SV Madhuri. The entire shoot of the...Continue reading
'Die Hard Fan' is an upcoming thriller starring Priyanka Sharma, Shiva Alapati, Shakalaka Shankar, Noel Sean, and Rajeev Kanakala in key roles. Also featuring Ravi Varma, Alapati Laksmi, Keshav Dee...Continue reading
The trailer of Shakalaka Shankar's out-and-out romantic horror-comedy 'Bomma Adirindi-Dimma Thirigindi' was released recently. It got a great response, as per the makers. Buoyed by the buzz that th...Continue reading
The title track of 'Wrong Gopal Varma', released marking the birthday of Pawan Kalyan, is out. The dedication comes in the context of RGV's beef with Power Star's fans. Written by the film'...Continue reading
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