Arjun Kalyan, who got trained in acting at the New York Film Academy, began his career by doing short films and web series. The Naga Chaitanya-starrrer 'Premam' cast him in a supporting role opposi...Continue reading
"A haunting tale from the rustic lands of Srikakulam (sic)," wrote the makers of 'Kota Bommali PS', unveiling its teaser. The film, directed by Teja Marni, is produced by GA2 Pictures. It will hit ...Continue reading
GA2 Pictures of 'Bhale Bhale Mogadivoy', 'Mahanubhavudu' and 'Prati Roju Pandage' fame today announced its 8th film. The banner, which awaits the release of 'Pakka Commercial' on July 1, has teamed...Continue reading
It is known that producers Bunny Vass and Vidya Koppineedi are currently remaking the 2021 movie 'Nayattu' (Malayalam) as 'Kota Bommali PS'. The first song from the remake was released today. Titl...Continue reading
'Maate Mantramu' is the title of Rahul Vijay's romantic entertainer with actress Megha Akash. As the male lead turned a year older today, the title was made official by Kota Film Factory and Trippy...Continue reading
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