'Sasanasabha' is going to hit the cinemas on December 16. Starring Indra Sena as its main lead, the political action drama's trailer is out. Senior artist Rajendra Prasad plays an honest politicia...Continue reading
Akshaya Tej and Vidharsha starrer ‘Manushulatho Jagratha’ which is directed by Govind Varaha is progressing briskly with post production works. B Chiranjeevulu Naidu is producing the film on Vasun...Continue reading
'Sasana Sabha' is an upcoming political film that is going pan-India. Starring Indra Sena as its main lead, the film has senior artist Rajendra Prasad in the role of an honest and true politician. ...Continue reading
After Rajendra Prasad was elected as MAA President, he is keeping up his words that he would take up the responsibility seriously and work for the welfare of the film community, particularly those ...Continue reading
‘Man of the Match’ movie is directed by 'Tammudu' fame P A Arun Prasad and it is being produced by B Satyanarayana under the banner of Abhi Studios. Daughters of producer B Satyanarayana, Madhavi ...Continue reading
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