Bollywood producer Saavi Goyal is producing a film titled ‘Desadimmari’ under Naveena Creations banner. Directed by Nagesh Naradasi, the shooting of the film will commence from the firs...Continue reading
'Maha Prasthanam' is an intense action-thriller starring Tanish in the lead. Directed by Jani, the film is produced by Omkarekswara Creations. Muskaan Sethi is its female lead. Also featuring 'Varu...Continue reading
A new movie in the combination of Tanish and Madhurima is going to be made by producers Rangasai and Gottiginti Ramachandra as Production No. 1 under Sai Srinivasa Productions banner. G Srinivas, ...Continue reading
Panchgiri Creations banner is coming out with a new romantic flick featuring Tanish and Anisha as lead pair. Bhaskar will direct the film while Srinivas Yelijala and D Suresh are the joint produce...Continue reading
'Antele Katha Antele' is the title of an upcoming heavy-duty drama to be produced and directed by M Nivaass. The project was launched today. It will go on the floors in September. Starring Tanish ...Continue reading
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