Ram Charan today took to social media to congratulate the winners of the National Awards. He didn't have any superlative praises or description for Allu Arjun, the first Telugu actor to win an Awar...Continue reading
Cornell University in New York has held an anti-caste summit named 'Rethinking the Politics of Caste Narratives Globally'. Sumeet Samos, a research scholar, vented out against the Oscar-winning 'Na...Continue reading
Tamil superstar Ajith awaits the theatrical release of 'Thunivu'. The 'Viswasam' actor has stated that he won't be promoting the movie. Ajith never participates in promotions and this is not the fi...Continue reading
Mega Power Star Ram Charan, who is currently basking in the glorious success of his recent release Rangasthalam, has taken a strong stand on box-office numbers. He requested all his producers to no...Continue reading
'Reddygarintlo Rowdyism' is an upcoming movie starring Raman as the hero. K Sirisha Ramana Reddy is producing the movie on Siri Movies. Directed by M Ramesh and Gopi, the film has Varsha Vishwanath...Continue reading
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