Naga Shaurya and Niharika Konidela starrer Oka Manasu has completed its Censor. Being presented by TV9, and directed by Rama Raju, this film is produced by Madhura Sreedhar Reddy. This movie rec...Continue reading
"Jadoogadu" the film being produced under the banner Sathyaa Entertainments by VVN Prasad and directed by Yogesh of "Chintakayala Ravi" fame, starring Naga Shaurya & Sonarika of Hara Hara Mahadev f...Continue reading
Geetha Arts is one of the most prolific and biggest production houses in Indian Film Industry. Allu Aravind is good at choosing scripts. He is a good analyser and his predictions never went wrong. ...Continue reading
A song titled 'VAddaanam' from 'Varudu Kaavalenu' was released earlier today. The wedding song was shot on Ritu Varma in the main. Naga Shaurya is also seen. Composed by Vishal Chandrasekhar, the ...Continue reading
"Jadoogadu" the film being produced under the banner Sathyaa entertainments by VVN Prasad and directed by Yogesh of "Chintakayala Ravi" fame, starring Naga Shaurya, Sonarika is the heroine who pla...Continue reading
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