Sundeep Kishan starrer Ninu Veedani Needanu Nene is now streaming on Amazon Prime. This film released on July 12 and is a romantic horror thriller. Directed by newcomer Arjun Carthyck, the film wa...Continue reading
'Asura Ghana Rudra' is the title of a film written and directed by Murali Katragadda. Produced by Murali Vamsi, the film stars Naresh Agastya of 'Mathu Vadalara' fame as the hero. Co-starring Sange...Continue reading
Nani's 'Awe' in which he will be debuting as presenter has got its release date. The film will be released on 16th February. Nani announced this in an unusual manner. He said, "Anni Cinemalandu Awe...Continue reading
Young hero Naga Chaitanya has launched the theatrical trailer of ‘Brand Babu.’ The film has Sumanth Shailendra and Eesha Rebba in the lead roles. The film is directed by Parky Prabhakar...Continue reading
Nani is producing the film 'Awe' for a reason. He says that he became a producer to encourage new talent. Awe is directed by Prashant Varma. This is his first film. When working for Ninnu Kori Nan...Continue reading
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