‘Dhada’ fame director Ajay Bhuyan’s ‘Housefull’, which is produced by yet another director Chandra Siddhartha is a romantic comedy thriller, finally releasing on September 28th. The release of thi...Continue reading
The 2014 horror-comedy movie 'Geethanjali' starred Anjali in the lead. Its sequel, titled 'Geethanjali Malli Vachindhi', is slated to hit the cinemas on April 11. Directed by Siva Thurlapati and pr...Continue reading
'Leharaayi' is all set to hit the cinemas on December 9. The film's trailer is out. Starring Ranjith Sommi and Soumya Menon as college-going youngsters, the rom-com also involves dramatic moments f...Continue reading
'Range Rover' stars 'Aata' Sandeep as the hero. Its First Look was on Thursday unveiled at the hands of senior comedian and artist Ali. Starring Meghana Rajput as the heroine, the entertainer has A...Continue reading
Comedian Ali, who has entertained Telugu audiences for years, is set to make his Hollywood entry. Hollywood director Jagadeesh Daneti has announced projects featuring Ali from the office of Shri Pr...Continue reading
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