After years of speculation, Mokshagnya (the son of Balakrishna) is finally making his debut. His first movie, which is yet to be titled, will hit the cinemas in 2025. Prasanth Varma Cinematic Unive...Continue reading
Hanu-Man, starring Teja Sajja, is directed by Prasanth Varma. The 'Zombie Reddy' combo is gearing up for the release of the superhero movie's First Look this Saturday. "Introducing HANUMANTHU from...Continue reading
'Hanu-Man' stars Teja Sajja as a super-hero who confronts a super-villain, played by Vinay Rai. The news is that the film's teaser will drop on November 15. Director Prasanth Varma of 'AWE' and 'Z...Continue reading
Buoyed after the huge success of the latest movie 'Zombie Reddy', young filmmaker Prashanth Varma is all set for upcoming movie. Known for his creativity in the moviemaking, Prashanth Varma g...Continue reading
Nani's 'Awe' in which he will be debuting as presenter has got its release date. The film will be released on 16th February. Nani announced this in an unusual manner. He said, "Anni Cinemalandu Awe...Continue reading
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