Rajendra Prasad and Archana have joined hands for a film titled 'Shashtipoorti'. A family drama, the film is produced by Rupesh Kumar Chowdhary and helmed by Pravan Prabha. Its launch event was att...Continue reading
After a successful debut with ‘Vijetha’ hero Kalyaan Dhev’s second film is confirmed under Rizwan Entertainment banner. This new film will be directed by a debutant Puli Vasu and...Continue reading
Aadi and Sanvi starrer youthful romantic entertainer ‘Lovely’, directed by B Jaya and produced by B A Raju under R J Cinemas banner is all set to hit screens worldwide on March 30th. R R Movie Ma...Continue reading
After delivering critically acclaimed films like ‘Aa Naluguru’ and ‘Mee Shreyobhilashi’, Dr Rajendra Prasad is coming up with yet another message oriented film ‘Onamaalu’ which is produced and dire...Continue reading
'Climax', which released on March 5, is all set to stream on Amazon Prime. The film stars Rajendra Prasad as a fallen businessman and film personality. The Nata Kireeti played Vijay Modi in this fi...Continue reading
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