Ramya Raghupathi, who was married to senior actor VK Naresh, has been accused by five women of defrauding them of Rs 40 lakh in the name of a group income scheme. Naresh today made it clear that he...Continue reading
VK Naresh has paired up with his real-life soulmate Pavitra Lokesh for a film titled 'Malli Pelli'. Although the project has been in the making for the past few weeks, it was made official only tod...Continue reading
Actor Naresh and Ali in the lead roles, the movie Andaru Bagundali Andulo Nenundaali movie is the Telugu remake of Malayalam's hit movie "Vikruthi". The movie revolves around the sequences which po...Continue reading
During the MAA elections in March 2019, Hema and VK Naresh were on the same side. Hema was an EC member, while Naresh became the President. Within days, there cropped up differences between them. H...Continue reading
VK Naresh has paired up with his real-life soulmate Pavitra Lokesh for a film titled 'Malli Pelli'.The news is that the film's teaser will be out on April 13. The teaser will be released in both Te...Continue reading
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