A Robin as the director, the movie Bat Lovers is prepping up for its release soon. The teaser of Bat Lovers was launched by popular producer C Kalyan. This movie is touted to be a story that revolv...Continue reading
'Maro Prapancham' is an upcoming fantasy thriller starring Venkat Kiran Koka, Suraiya Parvin, Yamin Raaz, Akshika Vidvat and Srinivas Sagar in lead roles. Written and directed by Kilaru Naveen, the...Continue reading
Nandamuri Balakrishna, who debuted in cinema five decades ago, is celebrating 50 years as an actor. The Telugu film industry is preparing to celebrate his golden jubilee. The curtain-raiser program...Continue reading
Popular Telugu film producer C Kalyan’s name was in the news recently for his alleged link with prime accused of murder of Maddelacheruvu Suri. Bhanu, the prime accused in the case as association ...Continue reading
'Hebbuli', starring Kichcha Sudeep and Amala Paul, is an action thriller film directed by S Krishna. Also featuring P Ravi Shankar, Kabir Duhan Singh and Ravi Kishan, the film was a hit in Kannada....Continue reading
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