A Robin as the director, the movie Bat Lovers is prepping up for its release soon. The teaser of Bat Lovers was launched by popular producer C Kalyan. This movie is touted to be a story that revolv...Continue reading
'Mani Shankar' is an upcoming movie starring Siva Kantamaneni, Sanjjanaa Galrani, Priya Hegde, and Chanakya in the main roles. G Venkat Krishnan has wielded the megaphone. At the film's audio rele...Continue reading
The trailer of 'Godse' was released today at an event held in Hyderabad. The vigilante actioner is heading to theatres on June 17. Gopiganesh Pattabhi has directed the movie. Speaking on the occas...Continue reading
Nandamuri Balakrishna's Golden Jubilee celebrations will be held on September 1 in Hyderabad. The grand event is going to be organized by Shreyas Media, the number one event management company. Sai...Continue reading
'Maranam' is an upcoming movie starring Veer Sagar and Sri Rapaka. A horror film, it is coming with the caption 'Karma Plays'. The news is that its teaser has been unveiled by producer C Kalyan. S...Continue reading
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