Vaishnav Tej, brother of Sai Dharam Tej and nephew of Megastar Chiranjeevi, had made an impressive debut with Uppena, directed by Buchi Babu Sana. The young actor has stunned the TFI with his acti...Continue reading
'Ranga Ranga Vaibhavanga', starring Vaisshnav Tej and Ketika Sharma in lead roles, is directed by Gireesaaya. The rom-com has been confirmed for a September 2nd release date. "The Love, Laughter &...Continue reading
Panja Vaisshnav Tej and Ketika Sharma's Romantic fun and family entertainer 'Ranga Ranga Vaibhavanga', is all set for a release on Sep 2, it's USA Premieres on September 1st. Here's the US Schedule...Continue reading
'Ranga Ranga Vaibhavanga', starring Vaisshnav Tej and Ketika Sharma, was released in theatres on September 2. Directed by Gireeshaaya, the rom-com and family drama is heading to OTT. The news is t...Continue reading
Sithara Entertainments, which has brought out movies such as 'Bheemla Nayak', has collaborated with a Mega hero. This time, it is Panja Vaisshnav Tej of 'Uppena' fame. The actor will be romancing '...Continue reading
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