'Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana' is an upcoming movie starring Shiva Kandukuri. Helmed by debutant Purushottam Raj, its release date has been made official marking Sankranthi. The film is going to h...Continue reading
'Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana' is an upcoming movie starring Shiva Kandukuri as a detective. Helmed by debutant Purushottam Raj, the film will hit the cinemas on March 31. On Tuesday, a song title...Continue reading
'Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana' is an upcoming movie starring Shiva Kandukuri as a detective. Helmed by debutant Purushottam Raj, the film will hit the cinemas on March 31. Speaking at the film's t...Continue reading
'Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana' is an upcoming movie starring Shiva Kandukuri as a detective. Helmed by debutant Purushottam Raj, its teaser is out. Bankrolled by Snehal Jangala, Shasidhar Kashi, a...Continue reading
Shiva Kandukuri, the son of 'Pelli Choopulu' producer Raj Kandukuri, has teamed up with businessman and film producer Suresh Reddy Kovvuri for a new film. To be produced by P19 Entertainment LLP, i...Continue reading
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