After a successful debut with ‘Vijetha’ hero Kalyaan Dhev’s second film is confirmed under Rizwan Entertainment banner. This new film will be directed by a debutant Puli Vasu and...Continue reading
VK Naresh is Narendra, a Telugu superstar in 'Malli Pelli'. Pavitra Lokesh plays his co-star from Karnataka. The trailer traces the troubles in their married lives. If the male protagonist is unhap...Continue reading
'Koteswararao Gari Kodukulu', starring Abhinav and Satya Mani as heroes, is directed by Naveen Iragani. Produced by My Goal Cinema Entertainments, the film comes with the caption, Most Dangerous We...Continue reading
Naresh starrer Raghupathi Venkaiah Naidu will be releasing in the 29th of November. He plays the role of Raghupathi Venkaiah who is popular as the father of Telugu cinema. The film’s work is ...Continue reading
VK Naresh has paired up with his real-life soulmate Pavitra Lokesh for a film titled 'Malli Pelli'. The film's amusing teaser was releasedd recently. The news is that the romantic family drama wil...Continue reading
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