'Cartoons 90s Kids Bey Eeda' is an upcoming entertainer that is touted to be an adventurous drama. Produced by Deepala Arts, the project was launched today. Thrigun, Payal Radhakrishna, Deepak Saro...Continue reading
'Kirayi' is an upcoming action drama headlined by Thrigun, who awaits the theatrical release of RGV's 'Kondaa' on June 23. Written and directed by VRK, the film is produced by SAY Creations' Amulya...Continue reading
'WWW' has hit the jackpot. Suresh Productions has allied with Ramantra Creations to release the movie in theatres. Producer Dr. Ravi P Raju Datla has said that the film is a mystery thriller due to...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Dear Megha' was held on Sunday evening ahead of the film's theatrical release on September 3. Here are the highlights of the speeches delivered by the cast and crew, and t...Continue reading
'Dear Megha', headlined by Megha Akash, Arun Adith and Arjun Somayajula, will be released in theatres on September 3. Ahead of its release, the romantic drama has been promoted aggressively. It mus...Continue reading
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