Actor Naresh and Ali in the lead roles, the movie Andaru Bagundali Andulo Nenundaali movie is the Telugu remake of Malayalam's hit movie "Vikruthi". The movie revolves around the sequences which po...Continue reading
The 2014 horror-comedy movie 'Geethanjali' starred Anjali in the lead. Its sequel, titled 'Geethanjali Malli Vachindhi', is slated to hit the cinemas on April 11. Directed by Siva Thurlapati and pr...Continue reading
Comedy actor Ali and his wife Zubeda have taken a good step to provide daily essentials to the women who work in The Telugu Cinema Production Union. It is a known fact that the movies and sho...Continue reading
Dr Brahmanandam felicitated senior comedian Aali for being honored with doctorate from Academy of Universal Global Peace at Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu on 25th May, 2013. The felicitation funct...Continue reading
What strikes about the name Peter Hein is action. But, he makes us laugh in Sai Dharam Tej’s ‘Winner’. Famous comedian Ali, who stood as brand ambassador for different getups and ...Continue reading
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