'Sandhigdham', to be made as a crime thriller, was launched today. With its story and screenplay written by director K Parda Sarathi, the film is produced by K Thirdha. Speaking about the movie, t...Continue reading
'Pudingi No. 1' is an upcoming movie starring Sampoornesh Babu as the hero. Directed by newcomer Meeravali, the film also features Vidyullekha Raman and Saphi Kaur. It was launched today in a grand...Continue reading
'Martin Luther King', directed by debutante Poja Kolluru, is the official remake of the Tamil film 'Mandela' (2021). A political satire, the film has Sampoornesh Babu reprising the role originally ...Continue reading
Sampoornesh Babu, who reached Telugu audience with the films like ‘Hrudaya Kaleyam’ and ‘Singam 123’, is coming up with another outrageous comedy entertainer ‘Virus&rs...Continue reading
Burning Star Sampoornesh Babu and Boiling Star Prudhvi Raj Balireddy are playing the lead roles in a comedy entertainer ‘Vinodam 100%’ which is being made under the banner SS Celluloid with Potnuru...Continue reading
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