Actor Naresh and Ali in the lead roles, the movie Andaru Bagundali Andulo Nenundaali movie is the Telugu remake of Malayalam's hit movie "Vikruthi". The movie revolves around the sequences which po...Continue reading
In its Golden Jubilee Year, Dr. D. Rama Naidu presents “DRUSHYAM”, A Suresh Productions, Raaj Kumar Theaters Pvt. Ltd. and Wide Angle Creations joint venture, with Victory Venkatesh and Meena in th...Continue reading
'Indrani’ is the title of an upcoming super-heroine movie. A first-of-its-kind movie made in Telugu, the story is centered on the main female lead, while two other women will act alongside he...Continue reading
'Martin Luther King', directed by debutante Poja Kolluru, is the official remake of the Tamil film 'Mandela' (2021). A political satire, the film has Sampoornesh Babu reprising the role originally ...Continue reading
We all know that senior actor T Chalapathi Rao’s sexiest comment on women has kicked up a storm. He has made the comment on women at the audio release function of ‘Raarandoi veduka Choo...Continue reading
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