"MAAYA", a suspense thriller produced by Madhura Sreedhar Reddy under Shrdi Sai Combines banner in the direction of National Award Winning Director Neelakanta released last Friday and running s...Continue reading
The news has been on for some time, but there was no confirmations then. But now Harshavardhan Rane and Kim Sharma have confirmed that they are not in a relation anymore. Both of them have decided ...Continue reading
‘Avunu-2’, a sequel to the horror-thriller ‘Avunu’ directed and produced by Ravi Babu is all set for worldwide release on April 3. We all know that in the past Ravibabu’s ‘Avunu’ clicked well at th...Continue reading
Gone are the days when the new talent used to go from one office to another in search for an opportunity to enter the film industry as the Youtube made it easy for the exciting new film-makers to s...Continue reading
Harshavardhan Rane and Richa Panai starrer Brindavanamadi Andaridi has completed the first schedule. The makers have released a sample video also. Young successful writer Sreedhar Seepana is making...Continue reading
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