A thriller titled 'KA' is Kiran Abbavaram's upcoming release. Starring Thanvi Ram and Nayan Sarika of 'Gam Gam Ganesh' and 'AAY' fame as the female leads, the film is directed by the Sujith-Sandeep...Continue reading
'SR Kalyanamandapam', starring Kiran Abbavaram and Priyanka Jawalkar, will head to the theatres on August 6. The film is produced by Pramod and Raju. Directed by Sidhar Gade, its songs have done e...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram's 'Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha' has been promoted innovatively. The other day, the team of the film was in Guntur to play a cricket match with the students of VVIT. It was a friend...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram awaits the theatrical release of 'Nenu Meeku Baaga Kavalsinavaadini' this Friday (September 16). The film's pre-release event was held in Hyderabad on Wednesday. Speaking on the oc...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram is set to impress the audience with a new set of films in the coming years. He is reimagining his career. And now, he has donned a trendy look that comes with a contemporary edge. ...Continue reading
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