Satya Dev (aka Satyadev Kancharana) has made a decent debut in Bollywood. In 'Ram Setu' (Hindi), which hit the cinemas on Tuesday, the Telugu actor played a character with divine attributes. While ...Continue reading
'Thimmarusu', starring Satyadev Kancharan, is written and directed by Sharan Koppisetty. Its teaser is out! "Looks very promising. All the best to Satyadev," Puri Jagannadh, who introduced the 'Blu...Continue reading
'Appatlo Okadundevadu' which was released in the end of 2016 has left audience and critics in tears. Nara Rohit and Sree Vishnu have acted together in that film. The duo, who always entertains aud...Continue reading
Satyadev Kancharana's 26th film is a crime drama directed by Eashvar Karthic. 'Pushpa' fame actor Daali Dhananjaya has a lead role in the movie. 'Zebra' is the film's title. Its title logo is thou...Continue reading
Nithya Menon-Satyadev's latest comedy entertainer Skylab USA Premieres on Dec 3rd. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters list. Overseas release by Nirvana Cinemas. Stat...Continue reading
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