Ram Charan has given a pat on the back of Ashok Galla, the newcomer. Ashok, the nephew of Mahesh Babu, recently made a debut in 'Hero'. Taking to Twitter on Tuesday, the 'Roudram Ranam Rudhiram' ac...Continue reading
'Hero' will be released in theatres on January 15. On Monday, SS Rajamouli unveiled its trailer. Superstar Krishna's grandson, Mahesh Babu’s nephew, and Guntur MP Jayadev Galla’s son As...Continue reading
Ashok Galla of 'Hero' fame has been shooting for an action film since mid-February. The film has been written by Prasanth Varma, the prolific director of films like 'AWE', 'Zombie Reddy' and 'Hanu-...Continue reading
The title of Ashok Galla's movie sounds much like 'Jaya Janaki Nayaka'. It is being called 'Devaki Nandana Vasudeva'. In keeping with the divinely-sounding title, symbolism and iconography related ...Continue reading
As was reported the other day, the release date of 'Hero', starring Ashok Galla in the lead, has been decided to be January 15. In this regard, pre-release promotions have begun. As part of the pr...Continue reading
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