"Get ready to be immersed in a world of raw emotions (sic)," wrote Vishwak Sen, sharing the film's first glimpse of his upcoming release, 'Gangs Of Godavari'. Written and helmed by Krishna Chaitany...Continue reading
The trailer of 'Mukha Chitram' was released today. A crime thriller, the film has its story, screenplay and dialogues written by Sandeep Raaj of 'Colour Photo' fame. The film is fronted by Vikas Va...Continue reading
'Boo' is the title of a Telugu-Tamil horror thriller directed by Vijay. The news is that the film has bypassed its theatrical release. The film will stream on Jio Cinema from May 27 for free. 'Das...Continue reading
'Vidhi', starring Rohit Nanda in the lead, has been made as a truly experimental film using pathbreaking technology. Audio Description technology has been used to make it inclusive. Ahead of the f...Continue reading
'Das Ka Dhamki' stars Vishwak Sen as the hero. Produced by Karate Raju of Vanmaye Creations and Vishwaksen Cinemas, the film is written by Prasanna Kumar Bezawada. Nivetha Pethuraj is its female le...Continue reading
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