'Swa' is the title of an upcoming movie directed by Manu PV. Produced by GM Suresh, the film has Mahesh Yadlapalli, Swathi Bheemireddy, Yashwant Pendyala, Siddharth Gollapudi and Manik Reddy in lea...Continue reading
The trailer of Sudheer Babu’s production venture ‘Nannu Dochukunduvate’ was released recently. Produced under the banner Sudheer Babu Productions, the trailer evoked tremendous re...Continue reading
BlueSky Cinemas, Inc one of the leading distributors in overseas market for Indian movies is releasing another heart touching romantic entertainer Krishnamma Kalipindi Iddarini into overseas market...Continue reading
'Bomma Blockbuster', starring Nandu and Rashmi, awaits a theatrical release. Its teaser was released a few weeks ago. The news is that its third song, titled 'Nadikudi Railanti Sodhara', is out. Th...Continue reading
Year 2023 saw some actors putting their best foot forward in a bid to do something new. Their intent to herald an image makeover, an unconventional hit, a sleeper hit, or anything that could be a h...Continue reading
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