Rajasekhar’s upcoming film ‘Mahankali’ is taking a brisk shape under Jeevitha’s direction. The post production woks have reached the final stages. Producers Y Surender Reddy, A Paramdhama Reddy a...Continue reading
Georgia is a little known country tucked between the Black sea in the West and Caspian Sea in the East. The country forever was at war with the USSR and present Russia as recently as 8 years ago. T...Continue reading
Earlier this week, a movie titled 'Shekar' was announced with Rajasekhar as the hero. And another movie was today announced with the 'PSV Garuda Vega' actor as the lead man. It's an action thriller...Continue reading
The Teaser for 'Kalki' was released on Wednesday as the clock struck 10 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds. The viewers have been spellbound by the elements in the breathtaking teaser. Ancient stru...Continue reading
Many years ago, yesteryear heroine Jeevitha and her husband, Rajasekhar, alleged that the Chiranjeevi Blood Bank was embroiled in irregularities. She indicated that blood units were sold by the ban...Continue reading
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