The Dr. Rajsekhar-starring 'PSV Garuda Vega', directed by the critically-acclaimed filmmaker Praveen Sattaru, is being made without compromising on quality aspects. Ever since the makers introduce...Continue reading
Rajasekhar’s upcoming film ‘Mahankali’ is taking a brisk shape under Jeevitha’s direction. The post production woks have reached the final stages. Producers Y Surender Reddy, A Paramdhama Reddy a...Continue reading
Jeevitha Rajasekhar is directing her husband Rajasekhar in a new film ‘Vandaki Vanda’. In this film, the couple’s elder daughter Shivani is playing a key role. Madalasa Sharma of 'Fitting Master'...Continue reading
It has been the norm for individuals to study MBBS for four years, practise as a house surgeon for a year and only then become a qualified doctor. However, the National Medical Commission Bill, pr...Continue reading
'PSV Garuda Vega 126.18M', the super hit action-thriller starring Rajasekhar and directed by Praveen Sattaru, has turned out to be a bigger hit in the US than even 'Raju Gari Gadhi 2' and 'Vunnadi ...Continue reading
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