Bigg Boss is a Telugu reality show, aired on Star Maa. Jr. NTR hosting this show. It has become one of the most watched shows of the small screen and to keep the audience hooked, the makers are int...Continue reading
Pyramid Creations is coming up with a full-fledged comedy entertainer featuring Vennela Kishore in male lead role for the first time and Priyanka Chabra as his pair. Ganga Rao Lakshman is dire...Continue reading
Vennela Kishore will entertain the audience in the role of a spy this March 1. A spy film titled 'Chaari 111, the entertainer is directed by TG Keerthi Kumar and produced by Aditi Soni of Barkat St...Continue reading
'Bheeshma', the Nithiin-starring blockbuster, will be telecast on Gemini TV at 6:30 pm, on October 25 (Sunday). Directed by Venu Kudumula, the rom-com and actioner stars Rashmika Mandanna as the he...Continue reading
What strikes about the name Peter Hein is action. But, he makes us laugh in Sai Dharam Tej’s ‘Winner’. Famous comedian Ali, who stood as brand ambassador for different getups and ...Continue reading
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