'Vikky The Rockstar', directed by CS Ganta, is touted to be a novel film boasting a distinctive concept. Produced on a rich scale by Flight Lieutenant Srinivas Nuthalapati (IAF), the film's title l...Continue reading
It's not everyday that the Telugu audience gets a chance to experience a scientific psychological thriller. No wonder then that Iru Mugan, Inkokadu in Telugu, is garnering great response from all q...Continue reading
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Two National award winners, director Bala and actor Vikram are teaming up for the 3rd time aiming for a hattrick. The duo had earlier given two blockbuster films ‘Sethu’ in 1999 and ‘Pithamagan’ (...Continue reading
Vikram was popular in Telugu some time ago. He shot to fame with the film Aparachitudu ten years ago. But after that his films failed to create the impact like his first film did. Apart from Shanka...Continue reading
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