Adivi Sesh’s Kshanam was appreciated by all. Now the actor has started penning his next film. Kshanam was written by Adivi Sesh in which he also played the lead. The success of this film has inspir...Continue reading
Film has 24 crafts. These 24 crafts are necessary for any movie, be it Indian or International. This is why it’s interesting to hear that an American Cinematographer has come to work for a Telugu f...Continue reading
'Major', which will be released in theatres on June 3, stars Adivi Sesh in the lead. The film is a multi-lingual action drama. Starring Sesh and Saiee Manjrekar as lovers, the film's trailer will ...Continue reading
"This winter, witness KD, Aarya and their adorable love," the makers of Adivi Sesh's 'HIT 2' today tweeted, plugging the romantic song 'Urike Urike'. The video song, shot on the 'Major' actor and h...Continue reading
Goodachari will be releasing on the 3rd of August. Its stars Adivi Sesh in the lead. The film is a spy thriller and has been written by Adivi Sesh himself. News is that the film has some hot scenes...Continue reading
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