'Pareshan' was released in theatres on June 2. Directed by Rupak Ronaldson, the film was released by Rana Daggubati on Suresh Productions. The news is that the film, touted to be the year's quirki...Continue reading
'Peka Medalu' is being released in Telugu by producer and distributor Dheeraj Mogilineni. It will hit theaters on July 19. Ahead of the theatrical release, distributor Dheeraj Mogilineni said that...Continue reading
Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’ is presently progressing in Hyderabad. A song involving Rana and Nayantara is being canned on a specially erected set. Director Krish is crafting the film by blendin...Continue reading
Baahubali 2's release date has been announced as 28th April. The makers announced that this will be a Ugadi treat for the fans. But the shooting did not go as planned. It got delayed. S S Rajamouli...Continue reading
We are just 28 days away from the release of S S Rajamouli's extravaganza Baahubali 2. Now there is a news that Karan Johar will release the prequel of this film, Baahubali The Beginning once again...Continue reading
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