After ‘Operation Duryodhana’, Srikanth-Posani Krishna Murali combo is back again with yet another film on political backdrop. Titled ‘Dussasana’, the film is produced by Murali Krishna under Laugh...Continue reading
'Devineni' tells the life story of the popular political leader Devineni Nehru. 'Bejawada Simham' is its tagline. Nandamuri Taraka Ratna is playing the titular role. It's directed by Narra Siva Nag...Continue reading
A new film will start shortly in the combination of Srikanth and Haritha Entertainments banner. A Uday Raj will make his debut as director with this movie which is set for its muhurat in first ...Continue reading
The teaser of 'Na Venta Paduthunna Chinnadevadamma' was released recently. Today, a song from the movie was unveiled. Shot on Tej Kurapati and his heroine, the song, as the title 'Ekantha Samayam'...Continue reading
'Bhagat Singh Nagar', starring Vidharth and Druvika as the lead pair, is being made simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil. Directed by Valaja Kranthi, a song titled 'Ee Vishwamanthamu Vyaapinchina' fr...Continue reading
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