Varun Sandesh, who is busy shooting for his upcoming movie which is yet to be titled, reportedly met with an accident while performing for a risky action scene of the film. The young actor injured...Continue reading
Varun Sandesh, Preetika and Swetha Basu Prasad starrer ‘Priyudu’ is all set to hit theaters on December 2nd. Uday Kiran is producing this youthful romantic entertainer under U K Avenues Pvt. Ltd. ...Continue reading
Varun Sandesh, Preetika Rao (Amrita Rao’s sister) and Swetha Basu Prasad starrer ‘Priyudu’ is currently being filmed in overseas in places like Bangkok, Pattaya and Chiang Mai. In this schedule wh...Continue reading
Varun Sandesh-Nisha Afarwal’s latest untitled film which is being directed by Bhanu Shankar and produced by Pattikonda Kumar Swamy has successfully completed 90% of its shooting part. The title of...Continue reading
‘Abbai Class Ammai Mass’ starring Varun Sandesh and Hari Priya as lead pair is set for release on August 2nd across Andhra Pradesh. Lakshman Kyadari of ‘Mem Vayasuku Vachcham’ fame is producing th...Continue reading
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