Mahesh Babu will be working in Anil Ravipudi's film. This film will be produced by Anil Sunkara. The casting process of the film is on. The makers tried to rope in Kannada actor Upendra for an impo...Continue reading
The pre-Release trailer of 'I Love You', starring Sandalwood superstar Upendra, was released at a grand event held in Bengaluru on Monday. Upendra and the film's cast and crew attended the event, ...Continue reading
Upendra, Celina Jaitley and Priyanka Trivedi starer a Kannada super hit movie ‘Srimathi’ has been dubbed into Telugu by producer Gajula Manikyala Rao on GMR Entertainments. Ravi is the director. T...Continue reading
Varun Tej's most awaited sports drama Ghani, is all set for a release on April 8th. It's USA Premieres on April 7. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas release by Sarigama Cinema...Continue reading
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