Allari Naresh's 'Naandhi', directed by newcomer Vijay Kanakamedala, has wrapped up its entire production works. Produced by Satish Vegesna, the film casts Naresh in the role of a tormented, undertr...Continue reading
The teaser of 'Naandhi' has been launched on the occasion of Allari Naresh's birthday. Vijay Deverakonda launched the teaser on his twitter handle and wished the team the best. The teaser looks v...Continue reading
Comedy entertainer ‘Action’ (With Entertainment) is the first directorial venture of Anil Sunkara, producer of ‘Bindaas’ and ‘Aha Naa Pellanta’. It’s a high technical value movie made in 3D ...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu starrer Maharshi was to release on 5th April. But the latest news is that the release of the film has been postponed. Maharshi is now likely to be released during the last week of April...Continue reading
Shooting of ‘Seema Tapakai’ has successfully been completed. The film starring Allari Naresh and Poorna, a new heroine, will be released some time in May. The post production works have already b...Continue reading
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