Star –V Productions’ which earlier delivered a movie titled ‘Guruvaaram’, story based on Shirdi Sai Baba life history, now producing its 2nd film titled ‘Teenage Temptations’. Vighna Vinayaka is t...Continue reading
Sensational director Kodi Ramakrishna’s disciple T Karan Raj is carving out a new film titled ‘Idho Prema Lokam’ under Sri Srinivasa Films banner with SP Naidu as producer. The fi...Continue reading
Tall and handsome actor Suman, who has celebrated his 52nd birthday has successfully completed 99 films in his 35 years of film journey. On this occasion he spoke to the media. He thanked the aud...Continue reading
Creative Frames banner is making a movie titled ‘Aadhipatyam’ starring Y B Raju, Supriya, Deepthi, Suman, Pilla Prasad, Dil Ramesh, Goldmani, Raghunath Reddy, etc. Directed by Shravan Raju and ...Continue reading
Vijaychander’s birthday is on May 24. On this occasion, the actor took some time off his day to share few details about his upcoming devotional film ‘Saye Daivam’. The actor, who...Continue reading
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