‘Onamalu’ is the story based on a school teacher named Narayana Rao who cherishes his childhood days by recollecting his mischievous acts. With Dr Rajendra Prasad and Kalyani as lead pair ‘Onamalu...Continue reading
King of comedy and Natakiriti Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who started second innings as an actor, is going ahead in the race to success with the films like ‘Jalayi’, ‘S/O Satyamurthy&rsq...Continue reading
Dr Rajendra Prasad’s ‘Nuthilo Kappalu’ with a tagline ‘Paiki Raavu Ranivvavu’ is directed by a debut director Chanti Gnanamani and produced by Vinay and Poonati Sreenu on Pole Star Pictures bann...Continue reading
'Sasana Sabha' is an upcoming political film that is going pan-India. Starring Indra Sena as its main lead, the film has senior artist Rajendra Prasad in the role of an honest and true politician. ...Continue reading
Nidhi Prasad a well Known Comedy specialist Director who directed movies like Andharu Dongale (Dorikithe), Bhagya Lakshmi Bumper Draw, Michael Madan Kamaraj. After a gap Direcor Nidhi Prasad is dir...Continue reading
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